For the Howard Johnson Facebook fan page, I was originally asked to write posts in HoJo’s signature wholesome, vintage tone to encourage fan engagement around HoJo’s messaging, “Go happy, go HoJo.” Later on, HoJo decided to change direction to a more sardonic, clever tone for its Facebook fans. Samples shown reflect both types of posts.


April 2012
It’s National High Five Day, and the high five is widely acknowledged as the official “happy” handshake.

December 2012
Actress Audrey Hepburn once said, “The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.” We agree! Share this post with your Facebook friends if you do, too!

March 2012
It’s Popcorn Lover’s Day! Mmmm, popcorn and a movie--one of the happiest combinations in all of creation.

March 2013
March is Optimism Month! And it’s almost over! But the future’s so bright, you gotta wear

A) A visor
B) A sombrero
C) A ten-gallon hat
D) Sequins
E) 200 SPF sunscreen
F) A great big smile!


July 2013
Movie snob says: Most summer blockbusters are best experienced for the air conditioning.

August 2013
August is Back to School Month, but who looks forward to going back to school in August? More like Let’s Just Time Travel Back to July Month.

September 2013
Truth: The week after Labor Day is the longest week of the year.

September 2013
Do sharks have a “Humans Week”?

December 2013
A deep question to ponder: Is the term “snail mail” more insulting to the postal system, or more flattering to the Internet?